Delivery costs vary according to size and weight and are calcualted by our shipping agent. The cost is indicated in the recap order form, before payment. If the delivery cost is not indicated, the client will receive a confirmation email with the shipping costs for his order.

You can use American Express, Visa, Mastercard or Paypal. If the payment is rejected by the authorisation centre, we will not proceed with the delivery.

All products are delivered via our shipping agent within a timeframe of 2 weeks after confirmed payment and receiving your order confirmation email.

We give great care to the security of our transactions.
We have adopted Stripe and PayPal which secures transactions.

An invoice will be sent by email, at the time of delivery.

You will receive confirmation email once the order is confirmed and received on our side.

For more detailed information, we invite you to read our General Conditions of Sales. Should you not find an answer to your question, please contact us
